Corporate fleets ‘key’ to meeting Europe’s carbon targets
Posted 29th October 2021

Fleet vehicles may make up only 20% of the vehicles on European roads, but they cause half of the emissions from European road transport – because they tend to be larger and driven for longer distances than private vehicles.
Which means that, by switching their fleets from petrol/diesel to electric, corporates can have a massive effect on meeting governmental decarbonisation targets, whilst at the same time significantly burnishing their own sustainability credentials – and, of course, improving reliability of supply and saving on fuel costs.
Furthermore, a switch to EV for fleet vehicles also helps to accelerate the transition for the consumer market; acting as a demand driver by pushing down costs, improving charging infrastructure, increasing the size of the used EV market and ensuring supply of key materials.
According to ShareAction – a registered charity which works with investors and policymakers to tackle environmental, social and governance issues – committing to a transition to EVs is a win-win for both businesses and investors, and it’s urging investors to engage with companies to commit to 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2030 (view full article in Fleetworld magazine).
In the context of recent fuel shortages and record petrol prices, alongside investors’ increased insistence on a focus on CSR, the switchover to electric vehicles looks likely to continue to rapidly accelerate.
Time to jump aboard the revolution?